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    Chief Financial Controller Directorate

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    Chief Financial Controller Directorate

    The directorate is mainly responsible for informing internal and external stakeholders about the Bank’s financial position, results and performance. It has to ensure the integrity, completeness and accuracy of the Bank’s financial statements and compliance with the applicable accounting standards and best practices. In 2016, the directorate established the Internal Controls and Assertion Division, which aims to strengthen the Bank’s second line of defence and provides a common platform to assess and report on the EIB’s control risks.

    Organisation Chart

    Date of situation: 01/07/2024


    Chief Financial Controller Directorate

    Frank TASSONE

    Director General and Chief Financial Controller

      Internal Controls and Assertion
      Johnny BENAVIDES

      Head of Division


      Financial Reporting and Accounting

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        Group and Mandates Reporting
        Gwenael ROBERT

        Head of Division

        Bank Reporting
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        Head of Division


      Corporate Financial Planning and Control

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        Corporate Accounting and Reporting
        Susanne QUEST

        Head of Division

        Planning and Analysis
        - -

        Head of Division

        Procurement and Purchasing
        Daniela WORTMANN

        Head of Division


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