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    We finance companies

    that develop COVID-19 treatments and vaccines

    to keep people safe from the virus

    and save lives.

    We help governments build hospitals

    and buy new equipment

    to stop the virus spreading

    and to treat infections.

    We lend money to businesses

    so they can keep working

    and pay salaries to their employees.

    Since COVID-19 emerged,

    we have decided to lend 56 billion euros

    to companies affected by the crisis.

    How we help European companies

    We created a special fund

    of 25 billion euros

    to help small businesses in Europe

    recover from the crisis.

    It is called the European Guarantee Fund.

    Many companies had to shut during the pandemic.

    They could not sell their products.

    Their employees could not work from home

    because the business was not online.

    ©Suman Kumar / EyeEm/Getty Images

    We give guarantees to banks

    so they can lend money to small companies

    that struggle because of the crisis.

    We signed 2 deals with the Spanish bank Santander

    to give loans to small businesses

    in Spain, Austria, Germany, France and Italy.

    The loans help companies repay their debts,

    make a profit and give people jobs.

    How we fight the crisis across the world

    We work with the World Health Organization

    and the European Commission

    to prepare

    for health emergencies

    in the future.

    If hospitals all around the world have good equipment

    and doctors and nurses are trained,

    everyone can be safer.

    We loaned 600 million euros to COVAX.

    COVAX will help all countries get vaccines

    to stop the spread of COVID-19 worldwide.

    UNICEF 2020

    We loaned 100 million euros

    to the German company BioNTech

    so they could develop, test and produce a vaccine.

    BioNTech made the first COVID-19 vaccine.

    European Union 2021

    We also lend money to poor countries

    affected by the pandemic.

    They cannot repay the debts they had before the crisis.

    We loaned 75 million euros

    to the government of Senegal in Africa.

    The money helps fishermen, farmers and people working in hotels

    and restaurants,

    who have lost business during the COVID-19 emergency.

    They can borrow money from banks

    to keep their businesses going.

    Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance/Christophe Da Silva