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The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Italy are working together to support students attending higher education programmes (university and post-graduate courses) in Italy or abroad.

Under the European Social Fund (ESF), the EIB and the Italian Ministry of University and Research created a fund of funds, called Fondo StudioSi, for the programming period 2014-2020. The EIB manages €100 million under the Research and Innovation National Operating Programme.

This fund of funds is one of the financial instruments that the EIB is deploying in EU countries. Read more about our shared management funds and financial instruments.

Fondo StudioSi

A boost for students in Italy

By covering tuition and living costs, StudioSì supports access to higher education and improves professional opportunities, notably for students from Southern Italy. Part of the financing may also go to students who want to study at Southern Italian Universities.

The financing is meant for students who follow courses coherent with one of the twelve specialisations outlined in the National Smart Specialisation Strategy, including agrifood, design, energy and sustainable mobility.

What is eligible

  • Post first-level tertiary education pathways: single-cycle degrees, second cycle degrees, first and second level postgraduate master’s degrees and specialisation schools (without scholarships/remuneration) recognised by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
  • Eligible expenditures include (yearly) tuition fees and study-related costs (e.g. costs of living).
  • Qualification to be obtained by 31 December 2025 – adequate demonstration of achievement of intermediate academic targets is required.

Who can apply

  • Students living in the eight regions of Southern Italy (Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania, Basilicata, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily) who are attending, have pre-enrolled or have been accepted in tertiary education programmes in Italy or abroad.
  • Students not living in the above regions who are attending, have pre-enrolled or have been accepted in tertiary education programmes at universities in the above mentioned regions of Italy.

Financial products

Funding of up to €50 000 is available, interest free and without any personal or third party guarantee obligation. In addition to tuition fees, the funding can cover study-related costs.

Where to apply

Click on the logos for more information:

About the European Structural and Investment Funds

Through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) financial instruments, the EU invests in local and regional projects that contribute to job creation and a sustainable and healthy European economy.

The European Social Fund (ESF) is one of the five available ESI Funds. It is Europe’s main instrument for supporting jobs, helping people get better jobs and ensuring fairer job opportunities for all EU citizens.


Italy and the EIB