- Date: 05/07/2017
- Reference: TA2015041
Contract award notice
- OJEU ref. 2017/S 126-255699 of 05/07/2017
Shortlist Notice
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 210-380207 of 29/10/2016
- OJEU ref. 2015/S 248-450613 of 23/12/2015
- OJEU ref. 2015/S 233-422710 of 02/12/2015
Contract notice
- OJEU ref. 2015/S 226-410601 of 21/11/2015
- Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 08/01/2016
Forecast Notice
- OJEU ref. 2015/S 148-272535 of 04/08/2015