Part of the series :
In its fifth edition, this report focuses on recent developments in Africa’s banking sectors and the policy options for all stakeholders.
The study of banking sectors across all African sub-regions includes the results of the EIB survey of banking groups operating in Africa.
Three thematic chapters address challenges and opportunities for financing investment in Africa:
- Investing sustainably in Africa’s cities;
- Mobilising agricultural value chain financing in Africa: why and how;
- Remittances and financial sector development in Africa.
All editions of this publication
- Finance in Africa: Uncertain times, resilient banks - African finance at a crossroads
- Finance in Africa: Navigating the financial landscape in turbulent times
- Finance in Africa: for green, smart and inclusive private sector development
- Banking in Africa: Delivering on Financial Inclusion, Supporting Financial Stability
- Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - Recent Trends and Digital Financial Inclusion
- Recent Trends in Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - From Financing to Investment
- Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - Challenges and Opportunities
All publications in this series
- Is crowding out of private sector credit inhibiting Africa’s growth?
- Banking in Jordan: Financing corporates and SMEs in the era of COVID-19
- Finance in Africa: for green, smart and inclusive private sector development
- Georgia Country Diagnostic
- Private sector development in Morocco
- Financing in Georgia: Small and medium enterprises and the private sector
- Corporate innovation in Austria: Findings from the EIB Investment Survey
- Innovation investment in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe: Building future prosperity and setting the ground for sustainable upward convergence
- Banking in Africa: Delivering on Financial Inclusion, Supporting Financial Stability
- Infrastructure Investment in the Western Balkans: A First Analysis
- Republic of Belarus: Financial Sector Review and Private Sector Financing
- Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - Interim Report on Digital Financial Inclusion
- Wind of change: Investment in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe
- Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - Recent Trends and Digital Financial Inclusion
- Armenia: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Serbia: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Albania: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Kosovo: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Montenegro: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- FYROM: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries - Synthesis Report
- Georgia: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Jordan: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Ukraine: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Neighbourhood SME financing – Synthesis Report
- Tunisia: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Recent Trends in Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - From Financing to Investment
- Armenia: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Ukraine: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Georgia: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Moldova: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Azerbaijan: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments - Synthesis Report
- Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in Russia
- Banking in the Mediterranean - Financing Needs and Opportunities in Turbulent Times
- Banking in Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey - Challenges and Opportunities
- Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - Challenges and Opportunities
- Banking in the Eastern Neighbours and Central Asia – Challenges and Opportunities
- Banking in the Mediterranean - Challenges and Opportunities
- Financial Mechanism for the Development of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries