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    Reference: SG/E/2015/11/PR
    Received Date: 28 August 2015
    Subject: Trans Adriatic Pipeline
    Complainant: Confidential
    Allegations: Failure to carry out proper consultation and impact assessment
    Type: E - Environmental and social impacts of financed projects
    Outcome*: Prevention
    Suggestions for improvement: no
    Dispute Resolution*

    * Admissibility date reflects the date the case was officially registered. All other dates pertain to the date in which a stage was completed.

    Case Description


    On 28 August 2015, the EIB Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM) received a complaint alleging the failure by the project promoter to carry out a proper consultation and an impact assessment in relation to the project “Trans Adriatic Pipeline", Greece.

    EIB-CM Action

    Following a preliminary review of the case, the EIB-CM has taken note that the EIB operational team has not finalised the due diligence of the project and that the EIB Management Committee has not taken yet a decision to finance it. In this context, the complaint has been transferred to the Bank’s operational services for their consideration and reply.


    The EIB operational services responded to the complainant to advise him/her that the EIB has not yet made a decision to finance the project. Furthermore, the complainant was informed that the project promoter has ultimate responsibility for the project implementation. As such, the complainant should contact the project promoter to obtain clarification on the issues raised in the complaint and also submit his/her concerns to the project grievance mechanism which contact details can be found in the “Project Information” section below.