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Reference: SG/E/2018/29
Received Date: 09 May 2018
Subject: Modernisation Routière I
Complainant: Confidential
Allegations: Alleged negative environmental impacts of the project and destruction of a historical site
Type: E - Environmental and social impacts of financed projects
Suggestions for improvement: no
Dispute Resolution*

* Admissibility date reflects the date the case was officially registered. All other dates pertain to the date in which a stage was completed.

Case Description

Between 16 April and 17 May 2018, the EIB-CM received 3 complaints concerning the ‘’Modernisation Routière I’’ project in Tunis. The complainants alleged negative environmental impacts, lack of proper environmental and social impact assessment and inappropriate public consultation process in relation to the ‘’intercommunal GP1-Z4’’ project component. The complainants stated that the project will lead to the destruction of a public park of a high symbolic and historical importance in Tunisia. 

Following the admissibility of the complaint and during the initial assessment, in November 2018 the EIB-CM had been informed by the EIB services that the EIB is no longer financing the component under complaint. As a result, on 19 August 2019, the EIB-CM informed the complainants that the component under complaint was no longer part of the EIB financed project and therefore closed the complaint.

Project Information