Summary sheet
The project consists of the acquisition of new rolling stock and modernisation of existing rolling stock for regional passenger services in the Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie Regions in France.
The aim is to improve the overall quality of the rolling stock fleet in the two Regions and introduce some innovative technologies (hydrogen) in order to replace diesel traction. This, in addition to the benefits stemming from the modal shift, will reduce the specific energy consumption of the rolling stock fleet itself. The project implementation arrangements will be further appraised.
The project consists of the acquisition of new and modernisation of existing rolling stock to be
used for rail services in the regions Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie. The new and modernised
rolling stock will contribute to increasing the rail offer and quality of rail services offered in the
regions, reducing the journey time, promoting more efficient operation, reducing maintenance
costs, lowering energy consumption and increasing the level of comfort for passengers. Indirectly,
by improving services, the project will help railways compete with other modes, particularly private
vehicles, so as to maintain or improve its modal share. Shifting passenger flows from other modes
to rail may result in reduced vehicle operation costs, safety and environmental benefits.
The project will facilitate access to rolling stock by various rail operators and consequently
facilitate the competition for public service contracts and the liberalisation of rail services in line
with the provisions of Regulation 1370/2007 and the 4th railway package. The project is located
in an EIB cohesion regions, thus improving their accessibility and the mobility of their population.
Thereby the project will support the strengthening of the EU's economic, social and territorial
EIB's loan plays an important role in securing a competitive overall financing of the operation,
sending a positive signal to commercial co-lenders and contributing to the robustness of the
business case. It reduces the borrower's funding cost and provides a stable long-term funding base."
The project does not fall under either Annex I or Annex II of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive 2011/92/EU as amended by Directive 2014/52/EU. The need of EIA and/or assessment according to the Habitats Directive for associated facilities (e.g. maintenance workshops or depots) will be analysed during the appraisal. In addition, the arrangements for the scrapping of the replaced stock, if any, will be checked during appraisal.
The promoter has to ensure that contracts for implementation of the project have been/will be tendered in accordance with the applicable EU procurement legislation, Directive 2014/25/EU as well as Directive 92/13/EEC as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the EU, with publication of tender notices in the EU Official Journal, as and where required. In the case of the new trainsets, the rolling stock is being procured under two existing framework contracts, valid until October 2023 and August 2025, for which the contract and award notices were published in the OJEU (2007/S 247-302465, 2008/S 134 18028, 2009/S 221-317680 and 2010/S 59-087369). These framework contracts were procured in accordance with the relevant EU legislation applicable at the time: Directive 2004/17/EC, as well as Directive 92/13/EEC.
Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).
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