Pierre Moscovici, Minster of the Economy and Finance, Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, and Thierry Repentin, Minister for European Affairs, signed today with the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Philippe de Fontaine Vive, a memorandum of understanding on France’s “Hospitals of the Future” programme.
The signing of this MoU shows that the European Union is mobilising resources for concrete projects in our regions. And the EIB is a key player in these actions.
The EIB’s €10 billion capital increase, combined with the European growth and jobs pact, has further increased the effectiveness of the Bank’s action and strengthened its leverage. As the spearhead of the growth pact, the EIB is a powerful instrument for bringing Europe closer to its citizens by facilitating the realisation of projects that are important to people’s daily lives.
Health is at the heart of French people’s concerns, and it is at the heart of the government’s priorities: this is why the EIB will be financing the French hospital sector to the tune of €1.5 billion over three years.
This is a signal of a major international financial institution’s confidence in French hospitals. And it is recognition that health is key to progress, innovation, growth and the future of our country.
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Photographer: EIB ©To be defined
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Photographer: EIB ©To be defined
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