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    17.000.000 €
    Tschechische Republik : 1.020.000 €
    Slowakei : 2.550.000 €
    Polen : 13.430.000 €
    Verkehr : 17.000.000 €
    22/10/2018 : 1.020.000 €
    22/10/2018 : 2.550.000 €
    22/10/2018 : 13.430.000 €
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    22 Januar 2019
    Unterzeichnet | 22/10/2018
    Projektträger – Finanzintermediär
    Vorgeschlagene EIB-Finanzierung (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
    Gesamtkosten (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
    EUR 17 million
    EUR 34 million

    The aim of the operation is to co-finance under the Innovfin Energy Demonstration Projects ("EDP") facility the expansion of the current electric vehicles ("EV") fast charging network of GreenWay across several countries in Central and Eastern Europe. It will also support the deployment of its first Ultra Fast Charging stations and the pilot of an integrated battery energy storage system across Poland, Slovakia and other CEE countries.

    The project consists of the installation of approx. 863 charging stations by 2020. The charging infrastructure will include 419 slow charging (ie. 3.7 kW - 22 kW) stations, as well as a roll out of 400 Fast Charging (ie. 22kW – 50 kW) stations and the first Ultra-Fast Charging (ie. 150 kW – 350 kW) network of 44 stations deployed across Poland, Slovakia and other CEE countries. The project also includes the demonstration of stations with Battery Assisted Charging System (BACHS). The project will contribute to push the transition towards lower carbon transport vehicles. The project is in line with EU Directive on Alternative Fuels 2014/94/EU, which has set out minimum requirements for the building-up of electric vehicles charging infrastructure.


    The project components consist of short connections to the distribution grid networks and the respective charging stations. They are expected to have limited environmental impact, which will typically be related to noise nuisance and disturbance during construction. After completion, no environmental impact is expected from the ordinary operation of the stations. No environmental impact assessment is required for the project, as it does not fall under either Annex I or Annex II of the EU EIA Directive. EV infrastructure in itself is not subject to environmental impact assessment processes under either Annex I or Annex II of the EIA Directive. However, the building of green field parking locations where the EV infrastructure is installed and/or connections to the grid may be screened in under Annex II. The Bank will require in those cases to be informed of the screening decision from Competent Authority. The project is expected to have a positive effect on the environment. The project will power electric vehicles with no emissions of pollutants and hence will contribute to meet air quality standards as set out by the European Union (EU) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The project will also contribute to reduce road transport noise pollution as EVs are also much quieter than conventional vehicles. Finally, the project will have a significant impact on CO2 emissions reduction that will result from the replacement of conventional cars operating on fossil fuels with electric cars powered by less carbon intensive electricity. No major social issues are envisaged.

    The promoter has been assessed by the EIB as being a private company and hence not being subject to EU rules on public procurement or concessions.

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