Luxemburg 10-09-2001 - Discussions at this year's Forum will centre around stable development in the Mediterranean region, an issue previously discussed five years ago when the Barcelona Process had just started. The objective of the Forum is to examine progress achieved since.
Eminent speakers will look at progress made and study prospects for further economic reforms in the European Union's Mediterranean partner countries. They will also consider the development of different economic sectors and identify opportunities for investment, notably foreign direct investment. In addition, the region's financial sector and possible bottlenecks for economic development will be discussed.
The Forum will enable participants from EU member states to gain an insight into the development of the Mediterranean region. Moreover, the exchange of experiences among participants of Mediterranean countries will be invaluable in helping to decide how to deploy financial resources, be they in the form of grant aids or loans, as effectively as possible.
The Forums are attended by high-ranking representatives from government and political circles as well as industrial and banking sectors.