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This report, prepared by the Secretariat of the Procurement Complaints Committee (PCC) of the European Investment Bank (EIB), provides an overview of the procurement complaints received and handled in the course of 2021, and of the work of the Committee and its Secretariat. It is the third annual report compiled and published on the Procurement Complaints Committee’s activities since its establishment in late 2018.
In line with good practices of other international financial institutions, project-related procurement complaints submitted to the EIB are handled by the Procurement Complaints Committee, a dedicated, independent and impartial committee, mandated to handle procurement complaints that challenge the Bank’s decision on project procurement procedures under an EIB-financed project outside the EU. This system ensures that the Bank handles project procurement complaints regarding EIB-financed projects effectively and independently. If the complainant is not satisfied with the Bank’s outcome or response, it is entitled to escalate its complaint to the European Ombudsman for alleged maladministration by the Bank.