The European Movement International and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have joined forces to hold a series of events around Europe, entitled “Investing in the Future of Europe”. The purpose of these events is to discuss the benefits of EU membership and enable broader civil society to learn more about the transformative power and direct benefit the EIB can generate. The first event in the series “Investing in the Future of Europe” was held in Warsaw on 5 July 2017 and brought together representatives of Polish business and civil society (for more details and a full agenda please click here

The two organisations have partnered in an effort to engage citizens from all walks of life in a discussion about the direction the European Union should take. The EU is a force for good, both in our continent and beyond, and these joint events aim to provide an opportunity to debate the best way to invest in the future of Europe.

Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General of the European Movement International, said: “The European Movement is present in over 30 European countries and brings together 36 international associations representing employers, trade unions, local authorities, youth organisations, the environmental movement, NGOs and academia. Our purpose, ever since our creation in 1948, has been to promote the ideals of democracy, solidarity, human rights, the rule of law and freedom of speech in favour of a united Europe. This partnership with the European Investment Bank is a great opportunity to put forward a positive case for European cooperation and how we can invest in our Union and the well-being of its citizens”.

Hakan Lucius, Head of the Stakeholder Engagement, Transparency and Civil Society Division at the EIB stated: “More citizens need to know that they have, at Europe’s disposal, the largest international financing institution in the world.  The EIB is a project-level organisation bringing tangible benefits to every European, giving a boost to better infrastructure, SMEs’ development, climate action and innovation, through the financing of sound and sustainable projects furthering EU policy objectives. Engagement with civil society helps the Bank to understand local issues better, improve policies and ultimately enhance the quality of its operations. The European Movement International is a natural partner for bringing the EU closer to its citizens and neighbours, so we are glad to team up in the debate on Investing in the Future of Europe.”

The European Movement is the largest pan-European network of pro-European organisations. It is present in over 30 countries and encompasses 36 international associations, bringing together European civil society, business, trade unions, NGOs, political parties, local authorities and academia.

Founded nearly 70 years ago, we have continuously advocated in favour of European cooperation and integration, based on the principles of peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity, equality, justice, and respect for human rights and the rule of law.

Today the European Movement seeks to provide a platform to encourage and facilitate the active participation of citizens and stakeholders from a cross-section of sectors in the development of European solutions to our common challenges. We offer thought leadership on the issues that confront Europe; we seek to inform the debates on our Union’s future, involve citizens and stakeholders in the decisions that affect them and influence policy-makers in favour of an open, inclusive, transparent and united Europe.

Press contacts:

European Movement International

Lucinda Pearson,