Europeans are heading for the cities. By the end of this century, 9 out of 10 of them will live in an urban area. But what kind of city will they call home? The EU’s Urban Agenda helps shape the future of cities and urban areas. The Agenda is a multi-level working method to stimulate growth, liveability and innovation in the cities of Europe and to identify and successfully tackle social challenges.

The European Commission is carrying out survey on the EU Urban Agenda and you are kindly invited to provide feedback on its implementation and performance.

Go to the online survey and contribute (until Sunday 30 June 2019)

The Urban Agenda for the EU was launched in May 2016 with the Pact of Amsterdam. The Agenda brings together Member States, cities, the European Commission and other stakeholders, into a framework for policy initiatives that affect urban areas. The Urban Agenda seeks to stimulate action in three key areas: better regulation, better funding and better knowledge.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) works on a range of activities related to the EU Urban Agenda to share knowledge with local and regional decision-makers, to improve access to funds and help them use existing funds more effectively. Read more