Constance Kann,
Director for Institutional Relations and Public Affairs within the European Investment Bank in Brussels,
is pleased to invite you to the “EIB Lunch Dialogue”
“Towards sustainability in the water sector – Major challenges and opportunities”
Thursday, 26 April 2018
at the EIB Brussels Office, Rond-Point Robert Schuman 6
3rd floor, 1040 Brussels.
The sandwich lunch will start at 12.30 followed by the dialogue
from 13.00 till 14.15.
Keynote Speakers
Thomas Van Gilst
Head of Division, Water Management
Projects Directorate
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Neil Dhot
Executive Director
Hans Stielstra
Deputy Head of Unit
Directorate General Environment
European Commission (EC)
Sebastien Godinot
WWF European Policy Office
Click here to read more about the orientations from the EIB
Please register prior 24 April 2018 to access the venue.
Please feel free to forward this invitation.
Due to limited capacity of the conference room, the EIB reserves the right not to accept registration above capacity.
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Pictures may be taken during the event. By registering, you agree you may appear on social media.