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    The EIB is engaging on the EIB Group’s Climate Bank Roadmap 2021-2025. A series of 4 webinars was organised on Monday 23 March 2020 and Thursday 26 March 2020. These webinars were an opportunity for interested stakeholders to voice their opinions and share their expertise with the EIB’s experts leading this transition. 

    The EIB’s climate, environment and social experts took participants through the four main topics of the consultation (see the “Key questions” tab on the stakeholder engagement webpage), and answered questions from the audience.  Below, you will find the programmes and the presentations made at each webinar.  The minutes will follow shortly.

    Please check the stakeholder engagement page for more details on the engagement process and calendar.

    A second workshop will be organised at the end of May 2020, to present progress made and the direction the EIB Group is taking in the various areas of work.

    For any further information, please contact Olivia Saunders (, tel: +352 4379 83331).