President Nadia Calviño presented the EIB Group 2024 achievements and key results.
Here you can watch the recording of the EIB Group annual results and access:

EIB Group achieves record results in 2024
The EIB Group signed €89 billion in new financing last year, with around 90% of investments inside the EU, consistently robust profits, and record high commitments for equity and venture debt, backing Europe’s young and innovative companies.
More investment supported for energy security
€100 billion
In 2024, we deployed a record €31 billion support energy-efficiency, renewables, storage, and electricity grids, which is expected to mobilise over €100 billion in investment.
Record financing for green projects
€51 billion
A record of nearly 60% of our total financing supported the green transition, climate action and environmental sustainability.
Doubled our financing for security and defence projects
€1 billion
Our security and defence investment doubled to €1 billion in 2024, with a further doubling planned in 2025.
Increase in higher-risk activities
€8 billion
A record €8 billion in equity and quasi-equity investment is expected to mobilise €110 billion in growth capital for Europe’s innovators.
Accelerating social and territorial cohesion
€38 billion
We signed €38 billion for projects in cohesion and transition regions, bringing opportunity where talent is in each and every region of the EU.
Our financing in 2024*
*All figures are unaudited and provisional. All figures are for the EIB Group unless otherwise specified. The EIB Group total financing figure excludes a small overlap due to joint engagements of the EIB and the EIF.
**This figure includes EIB Global’s engagement in mid and low-income countries, as well as EFTA countries.