Director General
- 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
- L-2950 Luxembourg
- Luxembourg
Curriculum Vitae
This CV is based on information provided to the EIB by the person concerned.
Personal information:
- Italian
- 2024: Appointed as Director General of Projects Directorate
- 2023: Appointed as Director General and Deputy Head of Projects Directorate
- 2021: Appointed as Deputy Head of Projects Directorate
- 2020-present: Department Head — Sustainability and Quality Management, Projects Directorate
- 2018-2020: Department Head — Innovation and Competitiveness Department, Projects Directorate
- 2011-2018: Various roles as Head of Division — Projects Directorate
- 2000-2011: Various positions within the EIB’s Project Directorate
- 1999-2000: Snamprogetti S.p.a — Strategic Planning Department — Industrial Economist
- 1992-1998: Snamprogetti S.p.a — Research and Development Department — Research Scientist
- 1995: University of Notre Dame (Indiana, US), Visiting Scholar
- 1991: Degree in Chemical Engineering, Università di Padova (Italy)
- 1985: International Baccalaureate Diploma, United World College of the Adriatic (Italy)