- The Urban Rehabilitation and Renewal Agency (Agence de Réhabilitation et de Rénovation Urbaine — ARRU) hosted a seminar in Tunis on 22 November to evaluate the impact of PRIQH 1.
- This national investment programme, deployed between 2012 and 2024, has rehabilitated 155 disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the country and improved the lives of more than 864 500 residents.
- The EIB, the European Union and Agence française de développement (AFD) co-financed 65% of the total cost of the programme.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Equipment and Housing and the Urban Rehabilitation and Renewal Agency (ARRU), on Wednesday 22 November 2023 the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Union (EU) and Agence française de développement (AFD) hosted a seminar in Tunis to promote the first phase of the Rehabilitation and Integration of Residential Areas Programme (PRIQH 1) on the theme of “An integrated programme to improve living conditions and reduce regional inequalities”.
Deployed between 2012 and 2024, PRIQH 1 has helped improve the living conditions of around 864 500 residents in working-class neighbourhoods across the country thanks to the rehabilitation of a total of 155 neighbourhoods in 87 municipalities and 24 governorates, at an overall cost of around TND 617 million (about €248 million).
This major programme was launched by the Tunisian government, with its implementation entrusted to ARRU by the Ministry of Equipment and Housing, in coordination with all ministries concerned, including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Economic Planning, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, and the Ministry of State Property and Land Affairs, as well as network concession holders ONAS, SONEDE, STEG and Tunisie Télécom.
PRIQH is a concrete and pioneering example of the Team Europe initiative, illustrating the partnership and joint mobilisation of lenders and donors for urban rehabilitation and social inclusion in Tunisia. The financial partners contributed about 65% of the total cost of the programme: €70 million mobilised by the EIB, €30 million from AFD and €61 million in the form of an EU grant.
PRIQH’s flagship actions include the construction of sports and cultural facilities, playgrounds, meeting places for young people, and business premises. PRIQH has also included the rehabilitation of basic infrastructure through the extension of drinking water supply, sanitation, stormwater drainage and public lighting networks, thus significantly contributing to improved sanitary conditions and the introduction of climate change adaptation measures. The programme has helped to improve housing, thus fostering family stability and strengthening the foundations of a decent life.
The PRIQH evaluation seminar was held in the presence of Tunisian partners and speakers, including representatives of ministries, relevant public institutions, governors and secretaries-general of the municipalities concerned. The institutional and financial partners of the programme were also present, including representatives of AFD, the EIB and the Delegation of the European Union in Tunisia.
On the sidelines of the seminar, a field visit was organised to examine the basic infrastructure projects and public facilities constructed in the Oued Erroumine neighbourhood of the municipality of Menzel Abderrahmen in the Governorate of Bizerte. With the participation of Ambassador of the European Union to Tunisia Mr Marcus Cornaro, Ambassador of France to Tunisia Ms Anne Guéguen and Head of the EIB’s Representation in Tunisia Mr Jean-Luc Revéreault, this visit made it possible to assess the impact of PRIQH 1 on improving living conditions in the neighbourhood.
Managing Director of the Urban Rehabilitation and Renewal Agency (ARRU) Ahmed Ezzedine said: “The programme began with projects in 119 neighbourhoods at a total cost of TND 435 million, followed by three extensions concerning 36 neighbourhoods, bringing the overall cost to around TND 617 million. This programme has helped cultivate a significant economic and social dynamic in the neighbourhoods and create jobs.”
Ambassador of the European Union to Tunisia Marcus Cornaro said: “We consider this programme a flagship action of our cooperation, which has helped generate a direct and positive impact on the living conditions of the Tunisian people, thanks to both its scale and its innovative approach.”
Ambassador of France in Tunisia Anne Guéguen said: “This seminar provides an opportunity to measure the scope of the partnership between all of the PRIQH 1 stakeholders, including France, thanks to which one in four Tunisians lives in a neighbourhood now equipped with roads, public lighting, connection to a sewerage network, a gymnasium or a sports field. In each neighbourhood, operations under this programme facilitate the daily lives of residents, first by improving their quality of life on a day-to-day basis through access to the water and sanitation networks, but also by increasing women’s safety in public areas through the installation of public lighting. Lastly, access to sports and cultural facilities will enable the youngest members of society to enjoy the same leisure opportunities and civic rights as any young Tunisian.”
Head of the EIB’s Representation in Tunisia Jean-Luc Revéreault said: “I am delighted to participate in this seminar and highlight the successful achievements of PRIQH1, especially the harmonious integration of working-class neighbourhoods into the urban fabric and the creation of essential local facilities such as educational and cultural spaces for the younger generations. With PRIQH1, followed by its successor PRIQH2, the EIB is fully committed to urban regeneration and social inclusion in Tunisia. In this way, we help to improve the daily lives of residents and foster their development.”
Background information
Urban Rehabilitation and Renewal Agency (ARRU)
ARRU is a public industrial and commercial entity created in 1981. It is responsible for implementing government policy in the fields of urban rehabilitation and renewal, under the supervision of the Ministry of Equipment, Housing and Regional Development on behalf of the government and public authorities — municipalities for the most part.
European Investment Bank
EIB Global is the EIB Group’s specialised arm devoted to increasing the impact of international partnerships and development finance. It is designed to foster strong, focused partnership within Team Europe, alongside fellow development finance institutions and civil society. EIB Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions through our offices around the world.
Agence française de développement
The AFD Group helps implement France’s policy in the areas of sustainable development and international solidarity. Comprising Agence française de développement (AFD), responsible for financing the public sector, NGOs, research and training; its subsidiary Proparco, dedicated to financing and supporting the private sector; and Expertise France, a technical cooperation agency, the AFD Group finances, supports and speeds up the transitions needed for a fairer and more resilient world.
It is with and for the people that, in conjunction with our partners, we build shared solutions in over 150 countries and 11 French overseas departments and territories. Our goal is to reconcile economic development and preservation of public goods: climate, biodiversity, peace, gender equality, education and health. Our teams are involved in more than 4 800 projects on the ground, contributing to the commitment of France and the French people to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and towards a world for all.
Agence Française de Développement in North Africa: Presentation | LinkedIn
The European Union in Tunisia
The Delegation of the European Union to Tunisia maintains a permanent dialogue with the authorities, business circles and civil society. As elsewhere in the world, it works in close coordination with the embassies of the Member States of the enlarged European Union, of which 17 of the 27 members have embassies in Tunisia.
The Delegation also oversees bilateral cooperation between the European Union and Tunisia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Planning and other sector-specific ministries. This cooperation covers technical assistance for privatisation, support for rural development, education and sustainable development.
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