The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), Europe’s centrepiece of fighting the medium- and long-term negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is well under way. By November 2021, 22 Member States’ National Recovery and Resilience plans have been approved by the Council, getting green light to use newly created recovery resources. Over €52 billion have already been disbursed to Member States.
Yet the impact of the pandemic has not only warranted immediate recovery support but also hardened already existing structural problems and deepened investment gaps. The financial dimensions of these challenges are huge and cannot be solved by public funding alone. It is essential to leverage public money and make additional private funds available to the real economy.
The EIB Group supports Member States, like in Greece and Italy, in leveraging their RRF resources and facilitate its implementation. Member States can for instance mandate the EIB as fund manager as well as make use of EIB’s advisory services. In Greece for instance, the Bank will help managing up to €5 billion to support the country's Recovery and Facility Agency. Countries will benefit from the EIB’s technical, economic and financial expertise in identifying high-impact projects and deploying effective financial structures, to make the best use of their RRF funds.
Welcome by Mikołaj Dowgielewicz, EIB Permanent Representative to the EU Institutions
Ricardo Mourinho Félix, Vice President, European Investment Bank
Nikos Mantzoufas, Governor of the Recovery and Resilience Facility Agency, Ministry of Finance, Greece
Claudio Casini, Senior Expert, Italian Prime Minister's Office, Italy
Moderator: Mary O'Mahony, Policy Officer, EIB Brussels Office