The EU B@B Platform has teamed up with the European Investment Bank to organise a webinar series on financing investment in natural capital.
Access to investment finance is frequently seen as a barrier by businesses in scaling up projects and innovations that benefit natural capital and biodiversity. On the other side of the table, banks and other investors struggle to develop a pipeline of investible projects that enhance natural capital and biodiversity.
This webinar series will help participants to better understand and overcome barriers to investing in nature, and thereby facilitate investment in natural capital and biodiversity-related projects and innovations. It is in particular targeted at businesses developing projects and innovations in this space but will also benefit non-governmental organisations seeking finance for projects and innovations that can generate a return on investment.
This webinar will draw from the European Investment Bank’s recent publication ‘Investing in Nature: financing Conservation and nature-based solutions’, which provides a practical guide on how to put together investment propositions.
Following the first webinar on “Introduction to financing investments in natural capital”, this second webinar will focus on:
- A business model for conservation
- How to design a business model that also contributes to conservation / uses nature-based solutions for adaptation
- Key elements of working with the EIB or other banks to present a project
- How the interaction with the EIB and other banks has shaped the business case / the development of the institution.
Webinar presenters include:
- Helena Newell, Enterprise Manager for Rewilding Europe and Investment Manager for Rewilding Europe capital
- Rewilding Europe is an independent organization, which has established itself as a pan-European initiative, operating at the frontline of rewilding at a European scale. In particular, Rewilding Europe Capital works with entrepreneurs that combine business and conservation across 17 European countries.
- Stephen Hart, Loan Officer, Natural Capital Finance Facility (EIB)
- Guy Duke, Director GD NatCap Ltd and Innovation Workstream Lead, EU B@B Platform (moderator)