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The Innovative Enterprise: Financing Ideas from Europe Conference will bring together innovative enterprises, financial intermediaries, policy makers, researchers and investors from across Europe.

The conference is being held in The Hague in line with the Netherlands EU Presidency and has been organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation in collaboration with the EIB and EIF and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.  Those attending will be able to take part a full two day programme of seminars, workshops, masterclasses and networking events.

Innovative Enterprise is a European Commission initiative to raise awareness of the EU’s  investment programmes. The conference will give attendees the chance to learn more about  InnovFin and EFSI as well as alternative sources of funding, including crowdfunding.

A number of EIB members will be present at the conference, including Vice President Pim Ban Ballekom who will help open the conference and Vice President Ambroise Fayolle who will appear as a key note speaker discussing the role of EFSI. EIB and EIF representatives will also chair sessions and present on a number of other key topics, such as, developing a viable business and financing proposition and what financial products are available.

The EIB also plans to officially launch the Innovation Finance Advisory (IFA) Report on Access to Finance for companies involved in Key Enabling Technologies (KETS) during the conference. As the European Union's (EU) long-term lending institution, the EIB is uniquely positioned to shape market conditions in the KETs sector, stimulating further innovation and growth. Author of the Innovation Finance Advisory report, Piermario Di Pietro from the EIB, will present key highlights and findings from the KETs study

More information on the event can be found here.