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The 8th German-African Energy Forum is taking place in Hamburg from 13 to 15 April 2014. The theme for this year’s event is “new power for a sustainable partnership”, which is expected to attract over 500 delegates from Europe and Africa.

Energy provision is essential for creating jobs in Africa and ensuring sustainable development, and while strides have been taken in improving the continent’s supplies and services, there remains much to be done. Approximately 75% of the African population still have no access to electricity.

Among the issues to be discussed at the 2014 forum are the potential of renewables for the African market, the effects of current world market developments on Africa’s oil and gas sectors, the role of government in the energy sector, and what can learned from current success stories and what best practices have emerged.

Monique Koning, Head of Project Finance in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Directorate at the EIB, will take part in a discussion on large scale energy projects in Africa at the event.

To find out more about the German-African Energy Forum, please visit the dedicated website.