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Lunch dialogues in Brussels

Constance Kann,

Director for Institutional Relations and Public Affairs

within the European Investment Bank in Brussels,

is pleased to invite you to the “EIB Lunch Dialogue” 

“From Investment Crisis to Investment Recovery”

EIB’s Annual Report on Investment and Investment Finance in Europe


Thursday, 8 December 2016

at the EIB Brussels Office, Rond-Point Robert Schuman 6, 3rd floor, 1040 Brussels.

The sandwich lunch will start at 12.30 followed by the dialogue from 13.00 till 14.00.


Keynote Speakers

Pedro de Lima

Head of Division, Economic Studies, EIB 


Atanas Kolev

Senior Economist, Economic Studies, EIB


Due to the limited capacity of the conference rooms, the EIB reserves the right not to accept registration above that capacity.

An e-mail confirming your attendance will be sent to you closer to the event.