On 18 May 2021 the Luxembourg Green Exchange hit the 1,000 sustainable bonds mark with EIB’s latest Global Climate Awareness Bond.
Capital markets’ support will be key in driving the green transition. Clear policy signals are needed to direct capital to green investments. The EIB inaugurated the green bond market in 2007 with its first Climate Awareness Bond (CAB) and has since been at the forefront of this market’s development.
The EU Bank intends to gradually increase the share of its green financing to reach at least 50% of its yearly new operations by 2025, as well as to align its tracking methodology with the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
Equally, the EIB plans to align its green bonds with the EU Green Bond Standard.
At this workshop, we presented Commission’s latest EU Green Bond Standard proposal as well as the findings of a recent independent evaluation conducted by the Evaluation function within the EIB Group, which examined the EU Bank’s contribution to the development of the green bond market.
The presentation was followed by a knowledge sharing session on EIB’s approach in the evolving/dynamic regulatory landscape.
Workshop (60 minutes)
- Axel Fougner, Policy Officer, Asset management, DG FISMA, European Commission
- Charu Wilkinson, Independent evaluation expert, Evaluation function within the EIB Group
- Aldo Romani, Head of Sustainability Funding, Capital Markets Department, European Investment Bank
Moderation by Laetitia Hamon, Head of Sustainable Finance, Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Q&A session (30 minutes)