The EIB has worked with Belarus since 2018*.
The Bank aims to promote economic and social development and improve the lives of people in Belarus. The EIB operates in line with the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and other EU bilateral agreements.
We support the extension of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) through the rehabilitation of roads. A €110 million loan for the Belarus Transport Connectivity project is helping to improve trade and mobility between Belarus and the EU by upgrading the M7 highway and creating safer driving conditions.
The EIB also invests in the energy sector. In 2019, we provided €90 million for a project supporting biomass-based heat generators, grid modernisation and thermal renovation of buildings. We also contribute to better water management, improving access to clean and affordable water.
We help smaller businesses to grow by facilitating their access to long-term financing. Since the start of its activities in Belarus, the EIB has committed €200 million to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps through local banks.
*The EIB has been closely following the events in Belarus since the presidential elections in August 2020. Following the non-recognition of the results of the election by the European Union, the EIB put all new operations in the country on hold, and has delayed disbursements to the public sector pending further developments. In particular, the EIB is awaiting the outcome of the ongoing review of the EU’s relationship with Belarus undertaken by the European Commission and the European External Action Service, to which it has contributed.
At a glance
The EIB provides finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects in Belarus.
EIB activity in Belarus by sector
(since start of operations)
EIB stories in Belarus
Individual stories speak louder than figures and charts. Discover how our work improves the quality of life in Belarus and beyond
Gemeinsam für mehr Resilienz in der Östlichen Partnerschaft
Angesichts der Coronakrise setzen sich die EIB-Gruppe und ihre EU-Partner verstärkt für Gesundheit, Digitalisierung, kleine und mittlere Unternehmen und Klimaschutz in den sechs Ländern der Östlichen Partnerschaft (Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Belarus, Georgien, Moldau und Ukraine) ein. Die Europäische Union fördert die Resilienz in einer Östlichen Partnerschaft, die allen zugutekommt.
Covid-19-Programm für die öffentlichen Gesundheitssysteme in Mittel- und Osteuropa und im Mittelmeerraum
Die Europäische Investitionsbank und ihre Partner helfen weiter gegen die Covid-19-Notlage im Gesundheitswesen: Im Kampf gegen die Pandemie stellen sie sieben Ländern in der Nachbarschaft der Europäischen Union (Belarus, Ägypten, Jordanien, Moldau, Marokko, Tunesien und Usbekistan) 670 Millionen Euro für Gesundheitsinfrastruktur und medizinische Ausstattung bereit.
Sicherere Strassen in der Ukraine und ihren Nachbarländern
5 958 Unfälle, 47 Verkehrstote und mehr als tausend Verletzte – das ist die traurige Verkehrsbilanz der Stadt Lwiw des letzten Jahres. Im restlichen Teil der Ukraine ist diese Bilanz noch schlechter. Doch die Europäische Investitionsbank wird mit ihren Projekten in den östlichen Nachbarländern die Straßen für 3,3 Millionen Menschen sicherer machen.
Get EIB support in Belarus
We can provide you with various type of financing to implement projects that promote growth and jobs in your country. We support small businesses, innovation, climate and infrastructure. Get an overview here for the whole EIB Group product range
Do you need a loan to finance your project?
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If you need a loan below EUR 25m
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