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  • EIB Annual Economics Conference - The flagship economics conference of the EIB serves to catalyse high-level dialogue on investment and investment finance in Europe.
  • National investment conferences - We organise conferences across Europe to discuss national investment trends, gaps and policy issues, with debates framed through the lens of the latest EIBIS results.
  • EIB Chief Economists Advisory Group - A network of chief economists from leading international banks and institutions, who meet twice a year to hold a high-level and closed-door dialogue on key economic developments and forthcoming challenges.
  • Vienna Initiative - The EIB works with other stakeholders as part of this initiative to help safeguard the stability of the financial sector in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
  • European Network for Research on Investment - This is a platform for sharing and discussing research on investment in Europe, with regular conferences hosted by the EIB.

Annual Economics Conference 2022

Economic research events

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