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UrbanPromo ( is a yearly urban and territorial marketing event addressing primarily the Italian urban transformation market, aimed at improving the urban, architectural, economic and environmental quality of projects and of the planning process.

UrbanPromo 2008 was the fifth edition of the event. It is one of the main venues to present and gather information on public-private partnerships in the urban sector and facilitate the multi-disciplinary interaction between planning bodies, public and private property owners, real estate promoters, construction companies, banks and banking foundations, real estate investors, infrastructure and public service developers and managers, non-profit organisations and co-operatives, universities and research institutes, individual professionals and researchers.

The JESSICA session in UrbanPromo was aimed at presenting to an Italian audience the current state of the initiative, elaborating on constraints and opportunities associated to the practical implementation of JESSICA and on the further steps required to launch operationally JESSICA financial engineering instruments in the Italian context.