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    As part of its engagement with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), the European Investment Bank (EIB) is holding a roundtable event with CSOs where it is interested to hear stakeholders’ views on its new approach to assess and measure development results for its operations outside the EU.


    Outside the EU, the EIB is active in over 150 countries, working to implement the financial pillar of EU external cooperation and development policies. On October 13th 2011, EU institutions adopted a new mandate that governs EIB lending outside the EU. This renewed mandate asks the EIB to further strengthen its approach to assess, measure and report on the results and impacts of its operations.

    It is within this context that the EIB would like to gather views from CSOs on a new results measurement framework it is developing.

    Structure of roundtable

    During the roundtable, EIB staff will present work in progress on the new framework. This will be followed by an open discussion. The roundtable will be chaired by Ms Tamsyn Barton, EIB Director General for lending operations outside the EU.

    Participants that register will receive further background information about the new framework closer to the date of the event.