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    © Euraxess

    Horizon Europe is the EU’s most ambitious research and innovation (R&I) framework programme.

    This innovative programme provides new instruments to boost the EU R&I landscape. It establishes a target of at least 35% of expenditure for climate objectives and reinforces the EU’s commitment to facilitate R&I collaborative links in Europe and sets up a broader policy to increase global R&I cooperation. Horizon Europe – as its predecessor Horizon 2020 – is firmly anchored in excellence with a deep commitment towards fundamental science.

    Through InnovFin, under Horizon 2020, the European Commission and the EIB Group have successfully supported cutting edge technologies that help to create a green, digital and healthy Europe: from new batteries, wave energy demonstration plants and floating windfarms to life science projects that fight cancer or develop COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.

    EIB Vice-President Teresa Czerwinska will participate in a roundtable discussion on how Horizon Europe, as well as national public and private investments, can mobilise synergies to accelerate green and digital transitions in the context of a renewed European Research Area. The discussion will also include how these synergies can be fostered in the frame of Recovery and Resilience Plans. Read her speech.

    The new Recovery and Resilience Facility, core component of the Next Generation EU recovery package, represents a major chance for the Member States to get large-scale financial support for R&I investments and reforms.


    • Manuel Heitor, Minister for Science and Technology and Higher Education, Portugal
    • Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
    • Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Chair of the ITRE Committee, European Parliament

    Key question: How Horizon Europe, national public and private investments can mobilise synergies to accelerate green and digital transitions in the context of a renewed ERA? How these synergies can be fostered in the frame of the Recovery and Resilience Plans?

    Moderator: Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General, DG RTD

    Invited speakers:

    • Emmanuelle Charpentier, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, 2020 Nobel laureate in Chemistry (tbc)
    • Richard Roberts, 1993 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, Chief Scientific Officer, New England Biolabs
    • Christian Ehler, MEP, rapporteur for Horizon Europe Specific Programme
    • Mark Ferguson, Director General, Science Foundation Ireland and chair, European Innovation Council Advisory Board Chair
    • Teresa Czerwińska, EIB Vice-President
    • Miguel Bello, CEO, Atlantic International Research Centre - AIR centre
    • Maria Teresa Fabregas Fernandez, Director, EC Recovery and Resilience Task Force
    • Pascal Lamy, Chair of the Mission Board “Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters”
    • Peter Carlsson, CEO, Northvolt

    Debate with Ministers (by preliminary registration)

    Key question: How Horizon Europe, national public and private investments can be mobilised in full synergies for a healthy and resilient future, either in terms of eradicating COVID-19 and preventing future pandemics, or in addressing the issue of advanced materials and biomedical systems? How can these synergies be fostered in the frame of the Recovery and Resilience Plans?

    Moderator: Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President ad interim, European Research Council

    • Dan Nica, MEP, rapporteur for Horizon Europe Framework Programme
    • Ugur Sahin, President, BioNTech
    • Elvira Fortunato, ERC Grantee, NOVA University Lisbon, Former Chief Scientific Advisor of the EC
    • Lars Montellius, Director, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL
    • Peter Visser, SALD - Spatial Atom Layer Deposition
    • Kristina Edström, Uppsala University, Chairman of Battery 2030+ initiative
    • Jan-Eric Sundgren, Chairman of the Board of SwedeNanotech, former Senior Vice President at Volvo Group

    Debate with Ministers (by preliminary registration)

    Key question: How artificial intelligence, quantum science and modern IT solutions will support the twin digital and green transitions and help promote sustainable industrial and socioeconomic systems in Europe?

    Moderator: Daniela Braga, DefinedCrowd

    • Graça Carvalho, MEP, rapporteur for partnerships Horizon Europe
    • Cédric Viallni, Chair of the 'Office Parlementaire pour l’Évaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques', France, 2010 Fields Medal, Former Chief Scientific Advisor of the EC
    • Célia Reis, ALTRAN (South Europe)
    • Martin Vechev, ERC Grantee, ETH Zurich
    • João Barros, CEO, Venian
    • Gioia Ghezzi, Chair Governing Board European Innovation Institute (tbc)
    • Stoyan Markov, National Centre for Supercomputing Applications, Bulgaria (tbc)
    • Connie Hedegaard, Chair of the Mission Board “Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation” (tbc)

    Debate with Ministers (by preliminary registration)

    • Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
    • Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister for Education and Research, Germany
    • Simona Kustec, Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia
    • Manuel Heitor, Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal
    • Manuel Heitor, Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal
    • Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

    Find more information on Horizon Europe and the full programme here

    Watch the livestream of the event

    To discover more about what the EIB does for innovation, check out the Innovation Overview 2020.