The annual Summit of the International Transport Forum (ITF) will bring together leaders from around the world to share and discuss green and inclusive transport policy ideas with CEOs, heads of international organisations, civil society and the media.
Transport plays a central role in supporting economic growth and competitiveness as well as sustainability. As demand for transport increases, there is a growing need to provide sustainable transport solutions.
ITF’s 2016 Summit will explore the importance of low-carbon transport as an essential element in the transition to a green growth economy as well as ways to make transport more inclusive and provide access to jobs, public services and trade.
Over three days participants from over 70 countries will be able to take part in policy discussions, keynote addresses, demonstrations and technical tours covering a diverse range of cutting edge transport topics.
Representatives from the EIB will be attending the event and showcasing the EIBs commitment to delivering sustainable transport projects.
Comprehensive and efficient transport networks are vital to drive economic growth and social cohesion, and it is this which lies at the heart of the EU’s 2014 transport infrastructure policy. To achieve this goal, Member States need to prioritise high-quality, low carbon passenger and freight transport modes.
Last year’s EIB lending to the transport sector demonstrated a clear commitment to sustainable transport and EU goals as 2015 celebrated the first year that the majority of projects financed by the EIB fell under the sustainable transport project objective.
To find out more about the event and how leaders are working towards Green and Inclusive Transport goals together visit the summit website.