Cities, regions, industry and banks will gather at the Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place on 18-19 January 2017 in Brussels to discuss how to mobilise investments in sustainable energy.
The event will present a landscape of ongoing initiatives at the local, national and European level, which contribute to improve access to finance along the three pillars of the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative:
- More effective use of public funding: participants will be able to learn about successful experiences of innovative financing schemes using public funds to leverage private finance for energy efficiency.
- Aggregation and assistance for project development: the event will feature many projects developing an investment pipeline at local and regional levels, supported by the Project Development Assistance facilities co-funded under the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) and Horizon 2020 programmes, including the ELENA facility managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB). Since 2009, more than 120 projects have been supported under these facilities expected to trigger around EUR 6 billion of investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy focused on existing public and private buildings, street lighting, district heating and clean urban transport.
- De-risking energy efficiency investments: the event will present the key initiatives in Europe which contribute to better understand the risks and benefits linked to energy efficiency, reduce transaction costs and standardise assets in order to facilitate access to the capital markets.
For more information, full agenda and registration, visit the event website.