The Assembly of Donors of the FEMIP Trust Fund (FTF) required a new evaluation of FTF activities, following the one carried out by EV in November 2006. The evaluation aims at assessing operations completed and the management of the operation cycle as well as the consistency of the FTF with the decisions taken regarding the FEMIP for the new Financial Perspectives 2007-2013.
The evaluation relies on the analysis of 7 individual operations (4 completed and 3 near completion). The analysis covers, for each operation, standard evaluation criteria and the role of the EIB. The latter include the contribution by the Bank, coordination aspects and the management of the operation cycle. Further, the evaluation includes a follow-up of past recommendations and an assessment of the FTF in the context of the 2007-2013 Mandates. The evaluation of individual operations has been based on documentation provided by the FTF management team, interviews with Bank’s staff at headquarters and field missions in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.