To address the many issues related to improving maritime cooperation and development, the European Investment Bank (EIB) financed through the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP) Trust Fund the “Feasibility Study for the Mediterranean Sea Maritime Development Cooperation”, which started in February 2011. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the European Commission (Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - DGMARE – as lead service) gave full and active support to the Study.
The global objective of this assignment is to contribute improving the integration of maritime policies and the dissemination of investment best practices in the Mediterranean, by providing a common way forward for the cooperation of the EIB, the EC and IMO. The specific objective of this assignment is to provide a feasibility study, which identifies and links in a single report some of the key issues for the success of the Mediterranean Sea Maritime Development cooperation project.
The principal concern of the Feasibility study has been to find ways to balance the needs relative to using the economic potential of the Mediterranean Sea with the growing pressure on the marine ecosystem by bridging the fragmentation across the range of maritime sectors and actors.