Over the last three years the EIB has accomplished its mission of supporting recovery in Europe by delivering on top of its annual financing an additional EUR 61bn package for projects that stimulate growth, innovation and jobs. It has also increased its financing of climate action projects, which represented 30% of all its activity in 2010.
It is now time to look at the challenges ahead: maintaining the recovery by helping the European Union to achieve its Europe 2020 strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
The EIB underpins these efforts concretely, using its financial and technical expertise to unlock Europe’s growth potential by investing in key sectors that will create growth and jobs in the future and bring a competitive edge. Investments range from education to innovation, from information and communications technology to energy, from mobility to fighting social exclusion.
This edition of EIB INFO shows how some of the Bank’s recent projects support these goals. The Bank stands ready to provide its assistance with the tools at hand but also to develop, with the Commission, innovative financial instruments that address market gaps and unmet needs. These new instruments will provide additional risk-bearing capacity for priority sectors such as infrastructure and SMEs.