Join us for a fascinating discussion between Dr Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), and, Dr Andrew Steer, WRI President & CEO as they dive into how the public development banks can support a green recovery.
The conversation will explore the EIB’s journey towards the Climate Bank Roadmap, with ambitious targets for climate and environment and alignment with the Paris agreement goals, which sets the EIB at the center of the European Green Deal and enhances its role in sustainable development around the world.
It will also be an opportunity to discuss the economic case for climate action, biodiversity and nature-based solutions. The speakers will discuss how public banks can work with developing countries to recover from the COVID-19 crisis and mobilise investment for climate-resilient, environmentally sustainable and inclusive development.
Dr Hoyer and Dr Steer will be joined by Dr Musonda Mumba from the Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit at UN Environment Programme. Dr Mumba will share her perspective on the climate, environment and development nexus and how collaborating with public finance institutions is critical on the ground to foster investments into sustainable activities. Following the discussion, the participants will take questions from the audience.
Featured Speakers
- Dr Werner Hoyer, President, European Investment Bank
- Dr Andrew Steer, President and CEO, World Resources Institute
- Dr Musonda Mumba, Chief of Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit, UN Environment
Join the conversation: #BuildBackBetter