The European Commission – Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) organised in partnership with the EIB the webinar "Financial needs in the agriculture and agri-food sectors in Italy".
The webinar focused on the financial environment in which farmers and processors operate in Italy. It considered the country’s banking system, major financial players for the two sectors, and what is offered as loans, guarantees and various financial schemes with national and/or EU financing. Stakeholders and managing authorities also shared their experience in working with financial instruments.
During the webinar, participants were given the opportunity to ask questions.
With a view to support managing authorities in their programming exercise in post-2020 period, fi-compass has recently published a study on financial needs in the agriculture and agri-food sectors in 24 EU Member States. Based on the feedback of 7,600 farmers and 2,200 agri-food companies across the EU, the 24 country-specific fi-compass reports present the main challenges faced by these two groups when it comes to access to finance.
You can discover the executive summary of the country-specific report regarding Italy, featured during the webinar.
The programme of the event is available here