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Within the context of the 6th Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders, the Space for Med Initiative will be launched on 23 November 2012 in Barcelona, Spain.

This joint initiative between EIB and the European Space Agency (ESA) will support economic growth in the South and East Mediterranean area by exploring the possibilities offered by space-based services in key economic sectors such as water management, transport and logistics, as well as energy and renewable energies.

The initiative builds upon ESA’s Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) programme, aiming to provide new and innovative sustainable services in close partnership with end-users, as well as on EIB’s experience in funding space technologies. The initiative will promote the use and extension of applications relying on a combination of existing space and terrestrial capacity and capabilities.

This initiative builds on the successful cooperation between EIB and ESA and the related EIB Study “Evaluation of the market, business and financial aspects for the development of broadband access for Mediterranean Partner Countries” – available on the FEMIP Trust Fund webpage, and the parallel and coordinated ESA study 'Evaluation of the satellite solution for the development of a broadband service for the UfM.

The conference will target service providers and developers, as well as end-users and relevant user organizations.

Registration can be made online at the conference website: