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    The GFS Institute, in cooperation with the Municipality of Ljubljana and the Centre for eGovernance Development (CeGD) will hold the LJUBLJANA FORUM 2012 on 20-21 September. The EU's focus in the coming years will undoubtedly be on energy efficiency and sustainable development. The objective of the Forum is to present projects and bring together actors of the urban regions of South East Europe to discuss the importance of good governance, energy efficiency and the development of the urban region.

    Anton Rop, Vice President of the European Investment Bank, will be among the many prominent speakers already confirmed at this event, namely:

    • Jerome C. Glenn, director of Millenium Project
    • Barbara Haering, Europe 2030, Econcept & ETH University Zurich
    • Zoran Janković, Mayor of Ljubljana
    • Stane Merše from the Centre for energy efficiency (Institute Jozef Stefan)
    • Ibon Zugasti, President of the European Regional Foresight College.

    For more information on this event, please go to the conference website.