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Financial instruments such as loans, guarantees, equity and micro-finance can be useful tools for implementing the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). A special information seminar about these ESIF financial instruments in Bulgaria is being organised by the EIB and European Commission through the fi-compass advisory service.

Seminar sessions have been prepared to help participants to further their understanding of how financial instruments can help in their efforts to deliver ESIF 2014 - 2020 objectives. The Sofia event programme also features case studies describing financial instruments from the Member States.

Further information will be provided during the seminar series covering latest European Commission guidance on regulatory aspects, as well as the advisory products offered by fi-compass to support the design and set-up of ESIF financial instruments. The seminar language is English, with interpretation offered in Bulgarian.

Registration for this Bulgarian event and other fi-compass Member State seminars is available through the event calendar on the fi-compass website.