The European Commission Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry is organising a seminar on access to finance for SMEs, to take place in Dublin on 5 February.
The seminar will present EU financial instruments for SMEs that will be available from 2014 to 2020 under the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME) and Horizon 2020 programmes, as well as European Structural and Investment Funds.
COSME will provide an additional EUR 3.5bn of funding to European SMEs per year from now until 2020, and an effective partnership between EU institutions and market operators is a pre-condition for a successful roll-out. This seminar will give Irish financial institutions an opportunity to become part of COSME.
The EIB will be represented at the event by Romualdo Massa Bernucci, Director of the Bank’s Adriatic Sea Operations.