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The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) latest “ideas lab” is taking place in Brussels on 3 and 4 April. The event brings together high-level speakers from the worlds of politics and business, and takes on a unique structure.

It opens with a plenary session where speakers will give their views on how Europe matters for the economy, and then closes with another where two distinguished thinkers will share their visions for the future of Europe.

In between, 10 parallel labs will take place. Each one has as a theme a key dimension of European integration. The groups in each lab will meet for three separate sessions, making a total of 30. Each of these sessions will be attended by a mix of opinion leaders, policy makers and private sector experts, and will start with two discussion leaders, each giving an informed but opposed view on the topic at hand.

As a sponsor of the event, the EIB will be represented by Natural Resources Specialist Jane Feehan, who will take part in the lab “Does climate change pose a real threat to food security?”, and the European Investment Fund (EIF) Deputy Chief Executive Marjut Santoni, who will speak at the session “Towards the mid-term review of Europe 2020: What role for infrastructure, innovation and the services economy?”

For more information about this event, to peruse the complete programme and to register to attend, please see the CEPS website.