"Cooperation Across Borders: Eastern Partnership and Beyond"
The European Investment Bank is pleased to announce it will be a Strategic Partner of the 3rd Eastern Partnership Business Forum.
Organised by the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia and BusinessEurope, the main goal of this event will be to evaluate the achievements of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) initiative from the perspective of business communities and to continue the dialogue on the further development of EaP cooperation, mainly focusing on the promotion of bilateral and multilateral economic relations between the EU and the six Eastern partner countries of the EU – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine also in the context of cooperation with other countries interested in the region.
The Forum will cover horizontal and sectoral topics, such as:
- Eastern Partnership enhancing business prospects in the region;
- prospects for cooperation across borders in the Eastern European partner countries and beyond
- Role of the employer and business organizations in promotion of viable business environment and establishment of new business contacts
- Transport and logistics in cross-border business cooperation
- Role of banks in access to finance for business development
- Changing business operations within a growing digital economy
- Energy resources in business development.
Also, B2B Meetings will be held, organised by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA).
Given the limited seats available, this high-level Forum is upon invitation only. If you would like to be invited, please send an email to events@eib.org with your full contact details (full name, job title, company, email address), indicating the reasons for your interest in attending this event.