The European Investment Bank (EIB) is lending PLN 250 million (some EUR 59 million) to finance municipal infrastructure projects in the city of Zielona Góra located in the Lubuskie region in western Poland.
The EIB loan will co-finance, together with EU grants, projects in the fields of urban roads, sustainable transport and urban regeneration, including public buildings and the development of green areas, that are involved in Zielona Góra’s investment programme. This will contribute to the overall development of this municipality, strengthen its competitiveness, contribute to job creation and increase the quality of life of Zielona Góra’s citizens.
Some of the projects to be financed are also being supported by JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions), an initiative aimed at improving the quality of investments supported by EU funds (European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund and IPA Funds). JASPERS is a partnership between the European Investment Bank, the European Commission (DG Regional and Urban Policy and DG Move), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The City of Zielona Góra is the promoter of the project and the final beneficiary of the EIB loan.
This project is in line with the strategic objective of the EU bank to support urban renewal and regeneration with a view to developing more sustainable and competitive cities. In this context, the EIB is financing the upgrading of urban transport, education, health and social care as well as environmental infrastructure in several Polish cities and regions, with a positive impact on the quality of life and competitiveness of Polish urban agglomerations. A total of EUR 578 million worth of loans were signed for this purpose in 2015, and the amount is expected to increase during the current year.