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The infographic below reveals that EU, US and Chinese citizens agree on the top two priorities to fight climate change. When asked which decisions respondents would take to fight climate change if they became head of their country’s government, stopping deforestation by 2025 and pushing for 100% of the electricity production to stem from renewable energies by 2050 were chosen across the three regions as the top priorities to implement.

Free public transport services by 2020 was chosen as the third most important priority by both European and Chinese respondents (27% for the EU and 28% for China), but only as the ninth most important priority by US respondents (14%). The third most important priority for 24% of US respondents focuses on the prohibition of plastic shopping bags by 2020.

Top priority policies to combat climate change – a consensus across the EU, the USA and China

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Want to know more about citizens’ opinions on companies’ efforts to fight climate change? Click here for more survey results.