Following the resignation of Mr Silvio Berlusconi, Mr Mario Monti has been appointed Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance since November 2011. He has also become EIB Governor for the Italian Republic, succeeding Mr Giulio Tremonti.
Mario Monti was born in Varese, Italy, in 1943.
He served as European Commissioner from 1995 to 2004, with responsibility for the Internal Market, Services, Customs and Taxation from 1995 to 1999 and then for Competition from 1999 to 2004. He has been Rector and President of Bocconi University, Milano, where he also taught Economics. On 9 November 2011, Mr Monti was appointed a Senator for Life in the Italian Senate.
Mr Monti holds a degree in economics and business from Bocconi University and a post-graduate from Yale University.