Date de publication: 21 mars 2007
Promoteur – Intermédiaire Financier
Government of Slovakia though the Ministry of Finance (Borrower and Payment authority for the EU programmes), the Ministry of Regional Development (central Management Authority responsible for the overall coordination) and other Ministries involved as Management Authorities in the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-13.Lieu
The project will support a number of investment schemes eligible to the Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund grants in the programming period 2007-13. These will be included in the relevant Operational Programmes in the areas of industry, services, transport, environment, local basic infrastructure, research and development, information society and others. Some measures under the Operational Programmes for Bratislava region will be included as well. The project builds upon a similar operation financed by the Bank during the programming period 2004-6.
The project aims at both facilitating and accelerating the implementation of investment schemes responding to EU policy priorities for the further development of the economy and its faster integration into the Union's. Through the support of its technical services, as well as that from Jaspers, Jeremie and Jessica, the EIB group will also give a contribution to the overall programme implementation of the Slovak NSRF.
Montant BEI envisagé (montant approximatif)
Up to 15% of the eligible cost
Coût total (montant approximatif)
The total cost of the NSRF is estimated at some EUR 11.6 billion, the cost eligible to the Bank's project will be determined during appraisal.
Aspects environnementaux
Current environmental impact legislation in the Slovak Republic is based on Law NR SR No. 24/2006 Coll. and reflects relevant EU legislation (namely Directive 85/337/EEC as amended by Directive 97/11/EC and 2003/35/EC).
Passation des marchés
EU Directives have been, generally, transposed into national Slovak legislation (last amendment by Act No. 25/2006 Coll.). Tenders will be organized in compliance with EU requirements, a precondition for EU grant support. Tender notices (if this is the case) will be published, as appropriate, in the EU Official Journal. Application of EU procedures by the Slovak authorities for the tender of services, supplies and civil works will be reviewed by the Bank's services during appraisal.
Signé - 16/11/2010
Clause de non-responsabilité
Avant d’être approuvés par le Conseil d’administration et avant la signature des prêts correspondants, les projets font l’objet d’une instruction et de négociations. Par conséquent, les informations et données fournies sur cette page sont indicatives.
Elles sont fournies à des fins de transparence uniquement et ne peuvent être considérées comme représentant la politique officielle de la BEI (voir également les notes explicatives).