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As part of its ongoing dialogue with civil society, the European Investment Bank will hold its Spring 2007 Workshop for CSOs in Paris on Thursday the 24th of May.

EIB-CSO Workhops bring together CSO delegates, specialised EIB staff, and Members of the Bank's Board of Directors and Management Committee to discuss topics of common interest. Observers from other EU and international financing institutions also participate. The Paris Workshop will be chaired by EIB Vice-President Philippe de Fontaine Vive.

The Workshop's working languages will be English and French. EIB and CSOs together set the programme for the Workshop.

Preliminary Suggestions

The provisional programme will include two sessions introduced by EIB and CSO speakers, followed by discussion. Indicative topics:

  • Partnering with NGOs in water and sanitation projects in developing countries;
  • EIB environmental and social safeguards and appraisal guidelines

Interested CSOs are invited to comment or suggest other environmental and social topics:

  • broad (horizontal/regional) items for the programme;
  • local/project-related topics for informal side meetings with EIB staff members, organised on request.