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    Reference: 20170993
    Release date: 15 November 2022

    Promoter – Financial Intermediary




    The project involves the construction of the 56.8 km M30 motorway between Miskolc and Tornyosnémeti at the border with Slovakia. It will complete the TEN-T comprehensive network as the last missing link of the corridor in the region and a key cross-border section.

    Additionality and Impact

    The new M30 motorway is a TEN-T cross-border link of the Budapest-Miskolc-Kosice corridor included in the Hungarian National Transport Infrastructure Development Strategy (NTIDS) and the 2014-2020 ITOP (Integrated Transport Operational Plan). The project provides a bypass function to several settlements and thus is an essential component of their strategic urban mobility plans in terms of sustainability and health. The project is located in a less developed region under both the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 EU Cohesion Policies.

    The project benefits from EIB's advantageous funding terms. EIB long-term financing and its flexibility regarding e.g. drawdown currency provides additional value for the Promoter in comparison to the terms of alternative financing options such as those typically available on the Bond market.


    The project contributes to urban transport sustainability and health, as it provides a bypass function to several settlements and is thus an essential component of their strategic urban mobility plans. It also supports the strengthening of the EU's economic, social and territorial cohesion and contributes to the objectives set out in the Territorial and Settlements Development Strategy Hungary 2014 - 2020.


    Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)

    EUR 88 million

    Total cost (Approximate amount)

    EUR 738 million

    Environmental aspects

    The project is part of the Transport National Strategy and of the indicative list of major projects related to the Hungarian ITOP (Integrated Transport Operational Programme), which was subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in 2012. The project falls under Annex I of the Directive 2011/92/EU as amended by Directive 2014/52/EU and was subject to environmental impact assessment (EIA), which was appropriately completed. Appropriate avoidance, mitigation and compensation measures were determined, including fauna/flora protection, noise reduction measures, landscaping and reforestation as well as water protection measures. No significant residual environmental impact is expected if all the identified mitigation measures are properly implemented.


    The promoter is a public authority subject to public sector procurement rules. The promoter tendered works and supervision contracts in accordance with the relevant applicable EU procurement legislation, Directive 2014/24/EU, where applicable, and Directive 89/665/EEC, with publication of tender notices in the EU Official Journal. All calls were open international tenders.


    Approved - 24/11/2022

    24 November 2022


    Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
    They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).

    Related tags

    Hungary Transport