Summary sheet
The transmission component consists of the construction/upgrading of 100 km transmission lines on 132 kV voltage and of seven 132-330 kV transmission substations. The distribution component comprises the upgrading of the 11-33 kV distribution system with nine 11-33 kV distribution substations and some 200 km of distribution lines and underground cables.
The purpose of the project is to reinforce and upgrade the power transmission and distribution infrastructure in the Lusaka area. The proposed investment programme will help remove bottlenecks from the current aged power network, thus reducing equipment failure and electricity losses. The project will increase the reliability and quality of domestic power transmission and distribution service in the Lusaka area.
132 kV transmission lines of this program would fall under definition of EIA directive 2011/92/EU Annex 2 (if situated within EU), and would require the competent Environmental Agency to screen and decide the necessity of ESIAs. The promoter has prepared the ESIA for these 132 kV works. Other works of the project (11 and 33 kV distribution) are not expected to require ESIAs.
The Bank will require the promoter to ensure that implementation of the project will be done in accordance with the Bank’s Guide to Procurement.
The procurement packages are envisaged to be defined considering parallel co-financing with World Bank.
Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).
General enquiries and comments
The EIB is committed to open communication and encourages constructive stakeholder input regarding its activities.
Enquiries and comments concerning the EIB’s involvement in a project or the financing facilities, activities, organisation and objectives of the EIB, can be sent to the EIB Infodesk.
Alternatively, the EIB can be contacted through its external offices.
Queries regarding details of a specific project, in particular when it is under appraisal by the EIB, should preferably be addressed directly to project promoters.
Media enquiries
Media-related enquiries can be addressed to the EIB Press Office. Please also visit our Media information section.
Complaints mechanism
Any complaint regarding alleged maladministration can be lodged via the EIB Complaints Mechanism. The European Ombudsman acts as an independent external accountability mechanism of the EIB.
Zero tolerance against fraud and corruption
The EIB has a zero tolerance policy on fraud or corruption. To report allegations of fraud and corruption relating to EIB-financed projects, please contact the Fraud and Investigation division. All complaints will be treated as strictly confidential and handled in line with the EIB investigation procedures and the Anti-Fraud Policy.
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